Saturday, August 3, 2013

Boundaries = WAR

If you have started setting up boundaries with your narcissistic parents or family, you might be getting some serious back lash. Keep in mind that this is normal. They do not like your boundaries. They want to be able to grab you and do what they want with you whenever they want. They will start throwing things out there like, "what is wrong with you?!", but in a disgusted tone, or, "you need to remember we are your family", which basically means, "how dare you have interests other than us?", or...and this one is a given, "the Bible says to honor your father and mother!”

Just because you're setting up boundaries doesn't mean you are leaving or disrespecting anyone. That is THEIR perspective and they are upset that they might be losing control over you.

Just remember that with narcissists, the more boundaries you set up, the more their personal attacks heat up. Plus, when they see they are losing control they will begin resorting to actions such as excluding you, cutting you out of the will, slandering you in the community but trying to disguise it as concern (such as telling people they think you might have a particular mental illness because you went to college in another state, or are getting married and beginning your own life so therefore you must need help, etc).

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