Saturday, August 17, 2013

Dear Mrs. Delusional...

One of the symptoms of Narcissistic Pers. Disorder is delusional thinking and rationalizing. This is not the same thing as just being self-absorbed or self-centered~ those with NPD literally make up stories about themselves and others, and seem to completely believe that they're true. Whether it's intentional or not is up for speculation, however the nature of DELUSIONAL disorder is that it's NOT intentional. It's more like one part of the person's mind weaves stories about other people, situations, and themselves, and the other part of the person's mind BELIEVES these stories. As if there are TWO people involved, not just one.
The person's mind appears to be split, and one part creates the fiction, and the other part which feels like the "self" believes it and perpetuates it, retelling these stories. The more they tell them, the more real they seem, both to the person and to those being told these stories.

The Delusion takes little bits of reality and builds completely fictional stories around these little bits. Children are seen to do this in play, and also in trying to get out of consequences. Children may also do this to extol consequences on another person. It's NOT "Delusional" when children make up fantasies and act like they're real, it's part of childhood and mind development. The problem is when a person does this in adulthood, and behaves as if the stories are real.

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