Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Expressing our emotions to a narcissist involves our vulnerability and trust that we will be

honored. It's a reaction that we have every right to expect when we are "close" to people. 

People aren't perfect; so they're going to hurt us. We were all healthy enough when we 

were first accosted by a narcissist. We were willing to forgive the ways the hurt us from the 

very beginning. 

The problem wasn't that we didn't forgive enough, the problem is that we were abused 

instead of being listened to and respected. Its just one of the many ways that narcissists 

erode our confidence and ability to defend ourselves against future attacks and/or leave. 

Narcissists can't accept that they're less than perfect, even though they may be trying to act 

like a person who doesn't care that much about "perfection" or "their image". Ignore the 

words, and look at the ACTIONS. They all say "perfectionism"; thus, when you express 

your feelings of negativity about a narcissist, they are inordinantly hurt and ATTACK back. 

Because they believe that You are just as intentionally abusive as they are - they'll justify 

abusing you by saying that you "deserved it". When all that's happening in reality is that a 

narcissist can't take criticism (being less than perfect) they feel it as a huge injury and they 

lash back in an over exaggerated manner. 

It's a TWISTED world they live in - and one that twists us, while we are in it. You can't be 

CENTERED when living in the eye of a tornado.

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